Senin, 02 September 2013

Random #4


When you got nothing left to be proud of
Feet to walk, arms to hold
Sight of the world, strength of the rod
When you have nothing to share but blink of limitation
Who will be there for you?
People you love or people love you?

found that when I went to a book fair and randomly opened a book.
Oh well, what a deep paragraph, in my opinion.

Because what you have now is actually not yours. Anytime, they could be taken without sign or permission. Then what? One does not simply about living a life normally, because for some, being normal is just cost too much..

Semangat (ga) semangat

Things in life have their own ups and downs, termasuk juga nulis blog.  Kalau lagi semangat, I could post 5 simple writings a day, karena tanpa sadar ide-ide itu teruntai menjadi kata dengan gampangnya. Tapi kalau lagi ga semangat, sebulan bisa terlewati tanpa punya satu pun tulisan. Udah di depan laptop dengan ide-ide yang berhamburan, tapi merangkai katanya susah. Hingga akhirnya ide-ide itu cuma jadi kumpulan ide yang tercerai-berai, ga koheren. Ah typical…

Kemudian hari ini, hari pertama semester 3, I am officially not a ‘maba’ anymore. Hahaha. Welcome juniors!

To think about daily routine which I will face (insya Allah) gave the ups and downs itself. But I have got a great holiday actually.. ;)