Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

When Rainbow Has No Color

what you will do?
when the rainbow has no color anymore
when there’s no one understand you
when they don’t even wanna know what you do
you’ve shouted left-and-right up-and-down
everyone still with their own business

what you will do?
when the rainbow has no color anymore
when you don’t even know what’s on your mind
vocabularies had just gone away
without saying any single word

what you will do?
when the rainbow has no color anymore
when you don’t know a place to go
to tell whether it’s good or bad
to share every laughs and tears
to ask brilliant and dumb questions
to know which wrong or right

what you will do?
when the rainbow has no color anymore
when you just can keep in deep
for every expressions you want to move on
every hidden feeling you wreath with
thousand million sparkling smiles

what you will do?
when the rainbow has no color anymore
when you’re more helpless than ever
you’ve raised your hands but got no answer
and you finally run away
to your locked own world

what you will do?
when the rainbow has no color anymore
do you have the answer?
cause i don’t
just give your hand
and i’ll hold it tight,


Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Next Step

it was just last night, waktu Arsy pulang ke kamar dan bilang, "Nay, pengumuman NTU udah keluar lho!" jlebbbbb!! makin galau aja gue padahalseharianudahgalaubangetgajelas.. pantesan malemnya gue mimpi kalo gue dipanggil ikut ENTRANCE TESTnya NTU.. anyway, i tried not to think about it but i can't! even i couldn't sleep for whole night! God, help me on this!

gue udah galau setengah mati garagara NTU!!!

finally, i could sleep. lucky i were, i didn't have any practice test today. parahnya, gue mimpi lagi gue dipanggil tes. uughh, ini pertanda apa? seharian gue cuma meringkuk di atas kasur, selimutan sambil ngegalau ga jelas. some of my friends adviced me to look for the result in my email. hey, it's easy to say. but don't you think my mind?! i don't have any courage to check my inbox and see them all.. rasanya gue mengutuk diri gue sendiri yang benerbener pengecut kaya gitu.. T.T

gue takut, benerbener takut. padahal ngapain juga pake takut, bodoh?! aaaaargggghh! i just didn't know somehow i could share my feels.. sejak ada pembagian KELAS KHUSUS di intensif dan gue ga termasuk di dalemnya, gue ngedown abiss.. gue benci banget. gue sebel. gue ga tau lagi deh. gue pesimis bakal dipanggil to take the Entrance Examination. apalagi mao daftar ILA ke Jepang? mana beraniiiii?! gue ga tau ini pertanda apa, yang jelas gue ngedown dan ini benerbener ga bagus.. saat itu gue mutusin, kalo gue ga dipanggil tes NTU, gue GA BAKALAN ikut daftar ILA. gue mau fokus UN aja, bodo amat dah..

but finally, the rain stop dropping when it was about 2 p.m. i thougth, and i decided to go to library, looked for internet connection and check my email. when i've got it and it was still loading my inbox, berasa banget kalo gue degdegan ga karuan.. were i ready for this? i must! AND YAP! i saw the email.. click.. and the email opened.. gue baca atasnya dulu..

Dear Naylah Muna,

1.   Thank you for your application for admission to the Nanyang Technological University.

God! apa ini berarti gue ga lolos seleksi berkas? gue lanjutin baca lagi..

2.   We wish to inform you that you have been shortlisted to take an Entrance Examination before a decision on your application can be made. Please login with your application number ...

gue ikut tes masuk NTU!!!

gue pun tercengang di depan monitor.. GUE HARUS GIMANA??
eh gila ya, gue bukan anak kelas khusus yang emang dipersiapin buat ikut gituan. gue ga pernah menghadapi A Level Mathemathics! aaaaarrrrrgghh~ i felt like my brain could just jump away anytime.. -_-"
what should i do then? somebody help me pleaseee... T_T

jadinya maunya gue sebenernya apa sih? gue juga ga ngertiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
it's making me crazy!!

worst it!

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Solo in Action


culinary trip, nyummy! :9

to KLEWER by becak! :)

inside becak

do we look like twins? ;)

bussiness woman -_-

abangabang becak!

-on the way back, in angkot-

what a nice trip!! ^_^

Tahun BarU (Bakar Uang)

abang : nel, ini namanya bukan taun baru tau..
saya : lah terus?
abang : taun bakar duit!

weits! ade saya yang masih SD aja ngerti.. -____-

harusnya sih, yang pada lebih gede bisa mengerti juga. tapi yah tampaknya... begitulah!
Sepertinya tahun depan kita masih perlu banyak introspeksi..

semoga jadi lebih baik, saya, anda, kita, Indonesia, dan Dunia!!