Jumat, 02 September 2011

Conversation with My Sister

some days ago, in the evening i got a conversation with my sister, Ica, while we were (exactly she was) riding motorcycle. and the talk sounds like this :

ica : nel, lu belajar naek sepeda sih. ntar gue ajarin..

me : ogah, ntar dijatohin gue ama lo!

ica : yaelah, engga juga! yaudah ama bapak deh..

me : ogah ahh, nanti aje..

ica : nanti kapan?

me : nanti klo udah nikah ama suami gue.. :p

ica : ntar lu diketawain ama suami lu! hahaha XD

me : enak aja! itu mah elu..

yap, that's it! :)
ok guys, you have to know that i can't ride a bicycle! hhe
and later, when i am married,  the first task for my husband is teach me how to ride bicycle!
cuakakak! see ya.. ;)

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