Senin, 31 Desember 2012

To the Top

This rune is about a dream
A dream about us, only the two of us
Where we are free to dance in the meadow
With fragrant pink flowers, waving in the wind
Skirts are blooming like dresses
Veils match the bright green sea
String floral crowns up for everyone
Sharing every joy and happiness
Running relentlessly while holding hands
As children playing hide and seek in the garden
Even butterflies and bees cheer the place up
Beautiful, like no one ever saw before 
Together we run through the hill, through the jungle
Jump out over obstacles, figure the riddles out
After millions of complaints, cries, falling down
Then you show me the top with your sparkle face
Sweep all our fatigue with every breath taken
Because I always know that you are more than deserve
For now maybe it is not real, it is not, yet
But someday we will achieve it

Untuk Anisah, sahabat seperjuanganku dalam begitu banyak hal.
Terima kasih untuk semangat dan semuanya.
Tetap semangat, Anisah.
Sukses itu hanya sedang mencari waktu…

4 komentar:

  1. naylah semangat yaa *aku juuga masih mencari semangat --bahkan gue berjuang untuk semangat >.<

    ini kutipan lagu apa karangan naylah nay?

    1. semangat fiit! :D ngarang kook, hehe. dapet ilham soalnya..

  2. Balasan
    1. haha nanti pan kalo gue dapet ilham spesial tentang lo :3
