Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Could I be...?

People say that there will be a time in our life when we feel like being alone at the edge of sharp horn. Like we are slipped in a tricky huge twist of disappointing then jump out into slab shadow. Like we are lost and there is not any light that we can’t even see our own single finger. But for me, surely it’s not this time.

I had never been chosen to be Project Officer at any event before. Yet there are males here in the world that I live, I’m also not capable for doing such an important role. People didn’t believe me to do so and I didn’t believe myself more. Hey, I was even starring at daddy’s little girl with her pink cheeks on the mirror who asked for chocolate and candy. I’m only on my one-third way in learning to climb up the tree..

Since that freezing moment crushed every my single cells, I insist myself to reach a level sooner than I planned to. Those respects, cares, and trusts, forced me to be a better me, better than i ever thought. For being honest, this responsibility is not even an easy one. It is a way much harder to be faced with my ability right now.  I might fall at all, and break everything we all have prepared and done so far. But only with you’re here, I won’t let myself to do such a stupid case.

Take a deep breath. Finally, because we admit to make this Roadshow stuff a way better than it ever happened before, may I beg for your prayers, your support, and your helps, GRADIATOR?

I might regret the morning when I wake up and was doubt whether to attend the Main Roadshow or not and finally decided yes. But Gycen might never find a person like me. Let me just do and give my best. Cause for every sake reasons, I’m not standing here alone..

5 komentar:

  1. Aaaaa... Naaayy >,,,<

    Insya Allah semua percaya sama Naylah... dan semua siap bantu Nay..!!! makanya, Nay tetep SEMANGAT yaaaaa :D

    Karena cuma Nay yang punya 'batrei' yang nggak pernah habis ..

    Allahumma yassir lanaa wa laa tu'assir .. Semoga Allah senantiasa memudahkan jalan kita .. Amiin :)

    1. tyaniii! makasih ya tyani.. insya Allah, insya Allah semangat terus lah diriku ini :')

  2. がんばってね、ナイラさん!^^9

  3. tahk you thank you semangat lah gue! (9'_')9

  4. naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy~~~~
